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Program Guidelines

In recent years, Better Futures has played a pivotal role in developing the ecosystem for early childhood education leaders to thrive in leadership roles. In an effort to continue our momentum and impact, Better Futures has created more value for nonprofit leaders through CRAFT Executive, which was crafted to support nonprofit leaders within the early childhood education sector. Why? Simply because nonprofit leaders do not usually serve their Association members alone, but they frequently feel alone. When you combine the fact that existing board members are often unskilled in infrastructure, board recruitment, fundraising, and grant writing, it's no wonder that once thriving Association leaders feel alone, focus on incorrect priorities and, and no longer add value in communities that desperately needs support and more resources. 

CRAFT Executive not only offers live webinars (CRAFT Institutes) and engaging business content, every enrolled Association leader and board member will be invited to join our Community of Practice, which will meet quarterly to support leaders to win more grants. In addition, CRAFT Executive members receive a 20% discount from our partner, ADP, the global leader in Payroll and HR Compliance.


       "WHEN IT COMES  



          NO MISSION."

CRAFT EXECUTIVE is supported by a dedicated team devoted to the early childhood education sector that specialize in a comprehensive range of consulting & advisory services, complemented by industry-specific knowledge and the leverage of a network of specialist expertise across the UK, Europe, the US and Asia.

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two women sitting beside table and talki

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